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IGNOU BEGE-106 - Understanding Poetry

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IGNOU BEGE-106 Code Details

  • University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
  • Title Understanding Poetry
  • Language(s)
  • Code BEGE-106
  • Subject English
  • Degree(s) BA
  • Course Generic Electives (GE)

IGNOU BEGE-106 English Topics Covered

Block 1 - Early Modern English Poets

  • Unit 1 - Why Read A Poem? And How to Study Understanding Poetry?
  • Unit 2 - On Metre, Scansion and Prosody
  • Unit 3 - William Shakespeare's Sonnets
  • Unit 4 - John Milton
  • Unit 5 - John Donne
  • Unit 6 - Andrew Marvell

Block 2 - The Long Eighteenth Century

  • Unit 1 - John Dryden: Mac Flecknoe
  • Unit 2 - Alexander Pope: An Essay on Man
  • Unit 3 - Samuel Johnson: The Vanity of Human Wishes
  • Unit 4 - Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
  • Unit 5 - Appendix: Texts of Poems

Block 3 - The Romantic Poets

  • Unit 1 - William Wordsworth
  • Unit 2 - S. T. Coleridge: 'Kubla Khan'
  • Unit 3 - Lord Byron
  • Unit 4 - P. B. Shelley
  • Unit 5 - John Keats

Block 4 - The Great Victorian Poets

  • Unit 1 - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • Unit 2 - Robert Browning
  • Unit 3 - Matthew Arnold
  • Unit 4 - Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • Unit 5 - Thomas Hardy and D. H. Lawrence

Block 5 - The High Modernist, Postmodernist and Recent Poets

  • Unit 1 - William Butler Yeats
  • Unit 2 - T. S. Eliot
  • Unit 3 - Philip Larkin
  • Unit 4 - Ted Hughes
  • Unit 5 - Seamus Heaney

Block 6 - The American Poets-I

  • Unit 1 - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Unit 2 - Walt Whitman
  • Unit 3 - Edgar Allan Poe
  • Unit 4 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Unit 5 - Emily Dickinson

Block 7 - The American Poets-II

  • Unit 1 - Robert Frost
  • Unit 2 - William Carlos Williams
  • Unit 3 - Wallace Stevens
  • Unit 4 - Langston Hughes
  • Unit 5 - Allen Ginsberg

Block 8 - Indian English Poets

  • Unit 1 - Rabindranath Tagore and Sarojini Naidu
  • Unit 2 - Nissim Ezekiel and Kamala Das
  • Unit 3 - A. K. Ramanujan and Jayant Mahapatra
  • Unit 4 - Arun Kolatkar and Agha Shahid Ali
  • Unit 5 - Dilip Chitre and Keki N. Daruwalla
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IGNOU BEGE-106 (July 2024 - January 2025) Assignment Questions

1. Write short notes on any four of the following: a.Shakespearian sonnet b.Elegy c.Rhythm d.Epic e. Personification f. Dramatic Monologue 2. Discuss “Ulysses” as a poem of hope and courage. 3. Critically analyse the poem “Tintern Abbey”. 4. Critically comment on the imagery in “Ode to the West Wind”. 5. Discuss “An Introduction” as a confessional poem.

IGNOU BEGE-106 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions

1. Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘To A SKYLARK’. 2. Comment on the theme of the poem ‘Intimations of Immortality’. 3. ‘Kubla Khan’ illustrates vividly what Coleridge meant when he called imagination a synthetic and magical power, a power which ‘instantly fuses chattered fragments of memory to produce a great poem Elaborate. 4. Attempt a critical appreciation of ‘Elegy written in a country churchyard’ by Thomas Gray. 5. Explain with reference to the context the following lines: 1. We look before and after, And pine for what is not; Our sincerest laughter With some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought. 2. The young light-hearted masters of the waves And snatch’d his rudder, and shook out more sail; And day and night held on indignantly O’er the blue Midland waters with the gale, Betwixt the Syrtes and soft Sicily, To where the Atlantic raves Outside the western straits; and unbent sails There, where down cloudy cliffs, through sheets of foam, Shy traffickers, the dark Iberians come; And on the beach undid his corded bales.
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