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IGNOU MCS-11 - Problem Solving and Programming

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Problem Solving and Programming

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IGNOU MCS-11 Code Details

  • University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
  • Title Problem Solving and Programming
  • Language(s) English
  • Code MCS-11
  • Subject Computer Application
  • Degree(s) MCA, BCA
  • Course Core Courses (CC)

IGNOU MCS-11 English Topics Covered

Block 1 - An Introduction to C

  • Unit 1 - Problem Solving
  • Unit 2 - Basics of C
  • Unit 3 - Variables and Constants
  • Unit 4 - Expressions and Operators

Block 2 - Control Statements, Arrays and Functions

  • Unit 1 - Decision and Loop Control Statements
  • Unit 2 - Arrays
  • Unit 3 - Strings
  • Unit 4 - Functions

Block 3 - Structures, Pointers and File Handling

  • Unit 1 - Structures and Unions
  • Unit 2 - Pointers
  • Unit 3 - The C Preprocessor
  • Unit 4 - Files
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IGNOU MCS-11 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions

Q1: Write an algorithm, draw corresponding flow chart and write an interactive program which prompts the user with the following options on the opening menu: 1) To accept two integers and check whether they are equal or not 2) To check whether a given number is even or odd 3) To check whether a given number is a positive number or a negative number 4) To check whether the given year is a LEAP year or not. 5) Quit Enter your choice: Note: Use SWITCH..CASE statement. Q2: Write the functions in C for the following: (a) To find the square of any number. (b) To find the absolute difference between two integers. (c) To convert a decimal number to its equivalent binary number. (d) To find the largest element in a given array of n elements. Q3: Write an interactive program using recursion for each of the following: (a) To count the digits of a given number. (b) To reverse a string (c) To find the least-common-multiple of two numbers. Q4: Write interactive C programsto perform the following on strings: (a) To find the length of a given string without using the string library functions. (b) To compare two strings without using string library functions. (c) To count the total number of vowels and consonants in a string and display the counts separately. Q5: Write an interactive C program to insert new elements in the unsorted array. Q6: Using Structures in C, write an interactive program to display the mark-sheet and grade card for 10 students for a MOOC course. Note: Assumptions can be made wherever necessary and mention them. Q7: Using File Handling concept in C programming, write the C programs for the following: (a) To find the number of lines in a text file. (b) To delete specific line from a text file. (c) To copy a file to another folder with a different file-name.

IGNOU MCS-11 (July 2022 - January 2023) Assignment Questions

Q1. Write an algorithm, draw corresponding flow chart and write an interactive program in C which prompts the user with the following options on the opening menu: 1) To reverse a 5-digit number 2) To check whether the 5-digit number is a palindrome or not 3) To find the sum of all the digits of the 5-digit number 4) Quit Enter your choice: Note: Use SWITCH..CASE statement. Q2. Write the functions in C for the following: (a) To calculate the power without using the pow(x,y) function of <;math.h>. (b) To calculate the cube of a given number. (c) To calculate the LCM of two given numbers Q3. Write interactive programs in C using recursion for the following: (a) To find the HCF of two given numbers. (b) To find the GCD of two given numbers. (c) To find the factorial of a given number. Q4. Write interactive C programs to perform the following on strings: (a) To check if two strings are Anagram. (b) To check whether the given alphabet is a vowel or consonant. (c) To convert the given string from lower case to upper case without using the inbuilt function in <string.h> Q5. Using arrays in C write a program to input 2 arrays consisting of 10 numbers each and display all the numbers those are common to both the arrays and display their count. Q6. Using Structures in C, write an interactive program to display the pay-slips for 10 employees working in a small departmental stores. Note: Assumptions can be made wherever necessary and mention them. Q7. Using File Handling concept in C programming, write the C programs for the following: (a) To create and store student information of 10 MCA students in a .dat file. (b) To edit the file created in (a) to add data for 2 more students. (c) To delete specific line(one student record) from a file.
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