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IGNOU BCS-53 - Web Programming

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IGNOU BCS-53 Code Details

  • University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
  • Title Web Programming
  • Language(s) English
  • Code BCS-53
  • Subject Computer Application
  • Degree(s) BCA
  • Course Core Courses (CC)

IGNOU BCS-53 English Topics Covered

Block 1 - Client Side

  • Unit 1 - Web 2.0 and XHTML/HTML5
  • Unit 2 - Using Style Sheets
  • Unit 3 - Introduction to XML
  • Unit 4 - Document Object Model
  • Unit 5 - Introduction to WAP and WML

Block 2 - Server Side

  • Unit 1 - The Server Side Scripting
  • Unit 2 - JSP-Basic
  • Unit 3 - JSP-Applications
  • Unit 4 - JSP-Application Development
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IGNOU BCS-53 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions

Q1. (Covers Block 1) a) Explain the features of the following technologies – Widgets, Data Streaming and Content Networks. How does these technologies affect us? b) (i) Create an online feedback form for a University using HTML. The form should ask for the following information: • The StudentID of the Programme on which feedback is being given. • Programme code of the Programme Passed (Use a drop-down list for Programme code selection.) • Name of the Student • Year of admission and year of passing the programme • Have you taken admission to another programme? Yes/No • Text area for giving the feedback (ii) Create an external CSS file for this form. This CSS file should select the font size of 12 point bold for all the labels; font colour should be dark blue for the headings and green for normal text. The background colour of the form should be light yellow. (iii) Write the code using JavaScript that validates if all the fields of the form are filled. Submit the HTML code, JavaScript code and screenshot of the form opened in a browser window. You must demonstrate the form and validations at the time of viva. c) Using tables, create a webpage displaying the batchwise schedule of the counselling sessions of the 5 th Semester courses at your Study Centre. This table should have proper headings. The columns of the table should display the batch number, course code, session time and the name of the counsellor taking the session. Create a second page using an ordered list showing the batch wise list of student’s enrolment number and names. You should use tags, wherever needed; and create an internal CSS file, which formats the web pages as given below (You must submit the HTML and CSS code and the screenshot of pages in a browser window): (i) The headings of the table must be in 14-point Bold and all other content should be in 12-point Arial font. (ii) The table heading should be in different shade. The data rows of the table should have alternatively light yellow and light green colour. The background of the table should be light pink. (iii) The font of the unordered list should be "Arial" with font size of 12 points. The background colour of list should be light blue. (iv) At the time of viva, you should demonstrate how changes in CSS can change the display. d) A Book store maintains the list of Books using XML. The Book information consists of a Book ISBN Number, which can be used as an attribute in the XML document. In addition, the following information is stored about the Book – Title of the Book, Author(s) of the Book (Please note a Book will have one or more authors), Number of copies of the book available in the Book Store. Create an XML document containing information of five Books. Also create the DTD to verify the XML document created by you. e) Write and demonstrate (at the time of viva) JavaScript code that displays the message "Welcome to Demonstration of JavaScript…Watch this Text…" and changes this text to “JavaScript can Change Display..." after 10 seconds. You may use event handling to perform the action as stated above. Make suitable assumptions, if any. f) What is WAP? What are the advantages and limitations of WAP? Explain the following WML elements with the help of an example: • Tables in WML • Images in WML • WML <input> element Q2. (Covers Block 2) a) Explain the following with the help of a diagram/example, if needed: (i) Client-Server 2-Tier architecture and its advantages (ii) Illustration of MVC architecture (other than the one given in the Block 2 Unit 1) (iii) Features of Server-side scripting and related constructs (iv) Request and Response in the context of HTTP (v) GET and HEAD methods of HTTP b) Explain with the help of an example/diagram or write code for the following using JSP: a) JSP Life cycle. b) Purpose of JSP directives and taglib directive of JSP. c) Write a JSP scriptlet to display a list of numbers which are divisible by 3. You may display this list till the number 21. d) <jsp:param> and <jsp:include> action elements of JSP e) page and exception implicit objects in JSP c) Write JSP programs which can perform the following tasks (you may create a single or multiple webpages for these tasks): (i) Write the JSP code to create a webpage that requires input of three variables a, b, and c; after successful input of values in the variables, the JSP program checks if these three variables are Pythagorean triple or not. The code then displays the appropriate message about the findings. (ii) Create a registration page for a library consisting of three fields namely memberID, password and membership type (Library Administrator, Staff or the organization, Student member). Successful registration should create two cookies one for the memberID and second for the membership type. d) Create a database for a Student Registration System consisting of the following two tables: StudentInformation (EnrolmentNo, StudentName, ProgCode) Programme (ProgCode, CourseCode, Credits) Develop and deploy a web based “Student Registration System” using JSP, a database backend and a web server (you may select DBMS and web server, as per your choice). Your system should use JDBC for input of information to both the tables. The system should output list of all the students of BCS053 course on the screen. Submit the JSP program, screens and database of the system. You must demonstrate this system at the time of viva voce. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any

IGNOU BCS-53 (July 2022 - January 2023) Assignment Questions

Q1. (Covers Block 1) a) Explain the features of the following technologies: (i) Rich Internet Applications (ii) Blogging (iii) Social Networking Also explain how have these technologies affected us? b) (i) Create an online membership form of a library using HTML. The form should ask for the following information: • Your studentId, which is to be used as username. • A password, which is to be chosen by you (password should be at least 6 character long) • Name of the Student • Programme in which the student has taken admission (You should create a drop-down list of about 4 to 6 Programmes for selection, default value for Programme should be BCA) • Select from the options Yes/No to the question “Was a member earlier?” • The form should include a SUBMIT FORM button. (ii) Create an external CSS file for this form. This CSS file should select the font size of 14 points for all the labels; font colour should be dark green for the headings and blue for normal text. The background colour of the form should be light blue. (iii) Write the code using JavaScript that validates the data entered in the username and password fields of the form. Submit the HTML code, JavaScript code and screenshot of the form opened in a browser window. You must demonstrate the form at the time of viva. c) Using a table, create a webpage displaying the list of all the Units of BCS053 course. This table should have headings. The columns of the table should display the serial number, name of the unit and a list of topics of the Units. Create a second page using an ordered list showing the objectives of BCS053 course. You should use tags, wherever needed; and create an internal CSS file, which formats the web pages as follows: (You must submit the HTML and CSS code and the screenshot of pages in a browser window) (i) The headings of the table must be in Bold and italics and all other content should be in italics font. (ii) The table heading should be in different shade. The data rows of the table should have alternatively light blue and light pink colour. The background of the table should be light green. (iii) The font of the unordered list should be "Times New Roman" with font size of 14 points. The background colour of list should be light yellow. You must demonstrate how changes in CSS can change the display at the time of Viva d) A retail store maintains the list of all its Products using XML. Product information consists of a Product Code, which can be used as its attribute in the XML document. The following information is stored about the Product – Name of the product, Unit of measurement of Product (e.g., ml, kg, grams etc.), the quantity in a pack, price of that pack. Create an XML document containing information of five such Products. Also create the DTD to verify the XML document created by you. e) Write and demonstrate (at the time of viva) JavaScript code that displays the message "This is Time Driven JavaScript Code" and changes this text to “Client-side coding demonstration" after 15 seconds. You may use event handling. Make suitable assumptions, if any. f) Explain the WAP Model and its working. Explain the following WML elements with the help of an example: • Use of italics font • Anchor element in WML • WML <select> element Q2. (Covers Block 2) a) Explain the following with the help of a diagram/example, if needed: (i) MVC Architecture (ii) Request and Response Primitives of HTTP (iii) Tools for server-side scripting (iv) Web Containers and their role (v) GET and POST methods of HTTP b) Explain with the help of an example/diagram or write code for the following using JSP: a) Creating dynamic contents using JSP. b) JSP page and include directives. c) Write a JSP scriptlet to display a list of odd numbers till 20 d) <jsp:setProperty> and <jsp:getProperty> action elements of JSP e) out and pageContext implicit objects in JSP c) Write JSP programs which can perform the following tasks (you may create a single or multiple webpages for these tasks): (i) Write the JSP code to create a webpage that requires input of four variables x, y, z and a; after successful input of values in the variables, the JSP program finds and displays the smallest of these four variables. (ii) Create a registration page consisting of three fields namely username, password and type of user (student/faculty/staff). Successful registration should create two cookies one for username and second for the type of user. d) Create a database for a Student Result system consisting of the following two tables: Student (SID, name, ContactAddress) Results (SubjectID, SID, Marks) Develop and deploy a web based “Result Display System” using JSP, any database backend and any web server. Your system should use JDBC for input of information to both the tables. The system should output SID wise Results of all the students on the screen. Submit the JSP program, screens and database of the system. You must demonstrate this system at the time of viva voce. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any
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