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IGNOU BEGS-186 - Business Communication

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IGNOU BEGS-186 Code Details

IGNOU BEGS-186 English Topics Covered

Block 1 - Understanding the Business World

  • Unit 1 - Greetings
  • Unit 2 - Importance of Small Talk in Business
  • Unit 3 - Business Organizations
  • Unit 4 - Jobs and Responsibilities

Block 2 - Communication in Business Contexts-I

  • Unit 1 - Using Telephone at the Workplace
  • Unit 2 - Understanding Internal Business Correspondence-I
  • Unit 3 - Understanding Internal Business Correspondence-II
  • Unit 4 - Understanding External Business Correspondence-I
  • Unit 5 - Understanding External Business Correspondence-II

Block 3 - Communication in Business Contexts-II

  • Unit 1 - Framework for Drafting Proposals
  • Unit 2 - Writing Business Project Proposals
  • Unit 3 - Understanding the Importance of Reports-I
  • Unit 4 - Drafting Business Reports
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IGNOU BEGS-186 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions

Q1) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. In the dynamic landscape of the professional world, conversation skills emerge as an indispensable asset, shaping the trajectory of careers and fostering effective communication. These skills transcend the simple exchange of words, encompassing the art of active listening, empathy, articulation, and adaptability. Proficient conversation skills lay the foundation for building robust relationships, whether with colleagues, clients, or superiors. In an era characterized by interconnectedness and global collaboration, the ability to engage in meaningful conversations becomes a catalyst for innovation and problem-solving. Clear and concise communication ensures that ideas are transmitted accurately, reducing misunderstandings and streamlining decision-making processes. Moreover, adept conversationalists have a remarkable capacity to defuse conflicts, transforming potentially adversarial situations into opportunities for growth and compromise. Beyond the pragmatic advantages, conversation skills play a pivotal role in cultivating a positive workplace culture. By fostering open dialogues and approachable interactions, professionals can establish an environment where diverse perspectives are welcomed, creativity flourishes, and individuals feel valued and understood. This, in turn, nurtures higher levels of employee engagement, motivation, and overall job satisfaction. In essence, conversation skills are the linchpin that connects professional success with effective communication. They empower individuals to navigate the intricacies of complex relationships, transcend cultural barriers, and harness the power of collaboration. As businesses continue to evolve in an increasingly interconnected world, the significance of honing these skills remains steadfast, proving instrumental in driving productivity, innovation, and harmonious coexistence within the professional realm. Q1 a) Answer the following questions: i. What is the role of conversation skills in the professional world? ii. How do conversation skills go beyond just exchanging words? iii. How can proficient conversation skills enhance problem-solving and innovation? iv. What impact can clear communication have on workplace dynamics? v. Apart from facilitating communication, what other benefits do conversation skills offer in a professional environment? Q1 b) Pick out words from the passage which mean the same as the following: i. Absolutely necessary or essential, something that cannot be done without (para 1) ii. The path or course that an object, idea, or person follows through space, time, or development (para 1) iii. The act of expressing thoughts, ideas, or words clearly and coherently; also refers to the physical arrangement of speech sounds in language (para 1) iv. Complex and detailed elements, features, or aspects of something that require careful attention to understand fully (para 4) v. Marked by agreement, compatibility, or a pleasing arrangement of parts, often used to describe relationships, interactions, or environments that are peaceful and balanced (para 4) Q1 c) What have you learnt in the passage above about the importance of communication in a professional environment? Q2 Write short notes on any two of the following: i. Small talk. ii. A proposal. iii. Different kinds of reports. iv. Job profiles. Q3 a) Here are the answers to some questions. What are the questions? i. Do you _____? Yes, I my hobbies are reading books, watching movies, and playing football. ii. What is _____? My favourite book is David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. iii. Do you have _____? I am planning to travel with my family in the coming holidays. iv. What is _____? My favourite movie is Sholay. v. How do you _____? I like to stay active by playing sports. Q3 b) Complete the following passage with either the present perfect or past simple tense of the verbs in brackets Effective communication is like an intricate dance, where participants must move in harmony to convey ideas, share information, and build connections. Without proper communication, misunderstandings arise and relationships can become strained. To ensure that messages are accurately (1) _____ (receive), it's essential to actively listen to others, absorbing not only their words but also the emotions and intentions underlying them. This process of active listening (2) _____ (lay) a solid foundation for responding thoughtfully and appropriately. In addition to listening, the ability to (3) _____ (express) thoughts clearly is paramount. When thoughts are (4) _____ (articulate) with precision, they can be understood without ambiguity. This clarity (5) _____ (avoid) unnecessary confusion and ensures that the intended message is conveyed as intended. Furthermore, skilled communicators can tailor their message to suit their audience, adapting their tone, vocabulary, and style to resonate effectively. In the realm of professional communication, negotiation and conflict resolution (6) _____ (take) center stage. Adept communicators can ease tensions and find common ground, transforming disputes into opportunities for compromise and collaboration. By (7) _____ (employ) empathy and understanding, they (8) _____ (generate) solutions that satisfy all parties involved. In conclusion, effective communication is a multifaceted skill that (9) _____ (require) individuals to employ a variety of verbs, from listening and articulating to (10) _____ (adapt) and resolving. By honing these skills, individuals can navigate the intricate web of human interaction with finesse, nurturing relationships and fostering success. Q3 c) Complete these sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets i. The view from the mountaintop is absolutely breathtaking, making it the _____ (beautiful) sight I've ever seen. ii. The cake she baked was so delicious that it earned the title of the _____ (tasty) dessert at the party. iii. The Grand Canyon is the _____ (deep) and most awe-inspiring natural wonder in the world. iv. The marathon runner was the _____ (fast) among all the participants, securing a new record time. v. This antique store has the _____ (extensive) collection of vintage books I've ever come across. Q4 Write a report of an event organized for the Independence Day in your institution. Describe the following details: i. The event timeline ii. Major activities organised iii. Response of the public iv. Your contribution to the event Q5 Write a dialogue between two co-workers talking about an important project centering on the increasing role of technology.

IGNOU BEGS-186 (July 2022 - January 2023) Assignment Questions

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. In all aspects of life, effective communication is critical to success. Particularly beneficial for those in positions of leadership and management, almost all aspects of work and functionality are affected by communication. Training specialists Brad Humphrey and Jeff Stokes identify communication skills as being amongst the most important skills for modern supervisors. Andrew Posner, a career counsellor, advises that employees looking for career advancement require such “transferable skills” as the ability to “analyze, write, persuade, and manage”. Effective leaders are able to use a wide variety of media and strategies to communicate. They are not only skilled at using verbal communication skills, but they are also adept at reading nonverbal cues. Great leaders collaborate to foster harmony and amicability at work and help teams achieve organizational objectives, in addition to writing regular and constructive messages, gathering and conveying information, and making informed decisions for better productivity. Additionally, they collect useful information through informal networks such as the company grapevine; they can communicate effectively and persuasively in core groups and formal presentations; and they write with conviction. Relying on the latest systems and technology to improve their day-to-day operations, modern day managers employ modern collaborative software like Skype and Google docs, Team Viewer to communicate more efficiently in real time with their colleagues all over the world. In today's world, apart from using e-mail as a competent communication tool, Managers are also using social media networks to launch, promote, and collaborate with potential clients and customers. Online collaborative postIt notes are a great way to share ideas within a team. In contrast to the traditional methods like newsletters, flyers, and brochures, modern day managers are enhancing their professional reach exponentially by writing professional e-mails, relevant WhatsApp messages, effective business blogs, informative podcasts, and so on to connect with a wide variety of stakeholders. However, depending on the purpose and scope of your writing, having your authentic voice and personal style to communicate with different individuals and groups is even more essential. Clear and honest communication can strengthen the relationships at the workplace. Leaders need to keep themselves abreast with latest motivational theories and leadership models to help create a stable system and philosophy for their own business enterprise viable in their indigenous surroundings. It’s imperative on the part of managers to acknowledge the contribution of employees every now and then by generously offering words of appreciation such as “thank you”, “great job”, “commendable effort”, “laudable effort” etc. These kind expressions recognize individual effort, increase loyalty and inspire people to work even harder. In a survey by Mc Kinsey Quarterly in 2009 it has been stated that praises from immediate superiors can empower and motivate employees. Delayed feedback, stilted and rude content, delayed action; fewer personal pronouns can mark a manager’s expression discourteous, impolite and offensive. However, putting a focus on interpersonal relations, conversational tone, immediate feedback, prompt action and usage of more personal pronoun, simpler yet colloquial expressions can bring the manager closer to his subordinates and other members of the organization. “You” is more preferable than “I” or “We” in most instances. Use of more positive words can draw more encouraging response from the listeners. a) Now answer the following questions: i) What is the role of great leaders in a company? Discuss. ii) What does the writer mean by “----they are also adept at reading nonverbal cues.” iii) How do managers communicate with their clients and customers in today’s world? iv) Discuss what managers should not do while communicating and why. v) Give an appropriate title to the passage and give reasons for your choice. b) Pick out words from the passage which mean the same as the following: i) crucial (para 1) ii) skilful (para 2) iii) pleasant behaviour which brings about good-will (para 2) iv) to a great extent (para 3) v) local context(para3) vi) informal (para 4) c) What have you learnt from the above passage about communication at the workplace? Give your personal views. 2. Write short notes on any two of the following. Give examples: i) Importance of Small Talk in Business ii) Write a job profile of your mother/father iii) Types of internal communication with iv) Characteristics of a good report 3a. Complete the following company profile with either the present perfect or past simple tense of the verbs in brackets: William Colgate………….(found) the Colgate Company in 1806 as a starch, soap and candle business in New York City. For the first one hundred years, the company………….(do) all its business in the United States. However, in the early 1900s, the company………….(begin) an aggressive expansion programme that ………….((lead) to the establishment of Colgate operations in countries throughout Europe, Latin America and the Far East. Recently it………….(set up) operations in Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe and China. Colgate-Palmolive ………….(become) a truly global consumer products company, worth $6.6 billion and selling in more than 160 countries. Colgate-Palmolive’s five main sectors of business are: Oral Care, Body Care, Household Surface Care, Fabric Care and Pet Nutrition and Health Care. In the area of Oral Care, Colgate-Palmolive is the world leader in toothpaste. Since 1980, the company …………….(increase) its share of this market by more than 12% to over 40% today. Oral care revenues ……………..(grow) significantly in recent years and in 1991, they …………..(exceed) $1.3 billion. As a result of the company’s heavy investment in research and technology, it…………………(develop) many successful toothpaste, rinses and toothbrushes. 3b. Here are the answers to some questions. What are the questions? i When ………………………………………….? I joined the company six years ago. ii What ………………………………………….? I was an office assistant. iii Which ………………………………………….? I worked in After-sales. iv How long ………………………………………….? I worked in that department for 18 months. v Where………………………………………….? It was just 6 kms from my home. 3c Complete these sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. i IBM is one of the ……………………………..(big) computer companies in America. ii A notebook computer is ……………………………..(expensive) than a desktop one. iii I think a desktop computer is ……………………………..(good) than a Notebook. iv In my opinion, telephone is the ……………………………..(important) piece of office equipment. v The ……………………………..(fast) way to contact a client is by phone. 4. You recently moved to a new city on a job transfer. Write an email to your friend informing him of this move. In your email: i Describe the new city ii Explain how life in this city is different compared to the previous city iii Invite your friend and family to visit you in the new city iv Say what your new job profile is. 5. Write a dialogue, in about 20 turns, between two friends discussing what professions they would like to get into in their lives after completing their education.
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