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How to Get Good Marks in IGNOU Assignments?

Published on Wednesday April 6, 2022 18:54 by Umesh Singla

Are you looking for some best tips to score more marks in the IGNOU assignments? Then you are in the right place to learn about the best tips to grab more marks in IGNOU assignments.

IGNOU, being one of the biggest open universities in India, has a different pattern of calculating the board exam marks. You will be writing your final exams for 70 marks, and the assignment you are assigned carries 30 marks. If you fail to submit the assignment or do it wrongly, you can't pass the exam despite writing the board exams. So your assignment plays a crucial role here. This is why people need to present their assignments work in the best way they can.

We have listed some of the important tips for you to score good marks in the IGNOU assignments. Check them out below.

Read The Assignment Guidelines Carefully

This is the basic thing you need to do before writing the assignment. Go through the assignment guidelines completely and then plan what you are going to present in there. Only after that, you should start writing your assignment. Refer to the internet, get ideas, or refer to the previous assignment done by seniors. Get help from the concerned person if the guidelines are not clear to you.

Assignment Presentation Is Vital

If you would like to grab maximum IGNOU Assignment Marks, always remember that you need to follow the university's instructions about the assignment and write your answers on a good quality paper. Normally University prescribes A4 size ruled paper sheets, and you will use one side ruled and one side plain paper if your subject requires graphical demonstrations.

Prepare Original Content

The crucial part of preparing the assignment is that you got to prepare your unique content answers. You should not copy word to word from the Internet or the Textbook. These are home tasks, and IGNOU university expects you to submit your answer with some research. Therefore, the aim of asking assignment work is often achieved only when you prepare original content.

Keep Your Answers Simple

You should not go and find all hard and heavy words to write down your answers. Keep it as simple as you can. Write the answers to the question and explain the maximum amount asked during a particular question. Use bullet points and Heading to prove your answers and justify them with suitable examples.

Design Your Cover Page

Your cover page gives the first impression of your assignment. So, design it well. Don't forget to add all the details regarding your assignment there. It is also essential to attach your question paper along with your assignment. Make a proper IGNOU assignment front page as per guidelines.  Last but not least if you are buying solved assignments from the market then be cautious to buy from reputed sources only. There are a lot of students who complain to us and tell their stories of losing marks in their degree due to inferior quality assignments submission. Saving a few bucks on assignments may  harm  your career. So, always remember, refer good - get good marks. Don't be cheap on the journey to greatness.


So these are some of the best tips to get good marks in IGNOU assignments. Submit the assignment on time, don't exceed the word count, and write in a way that everyone can understand. These are other essential things to keep in mind. We hope this helps. If you have any extra tips, mention them in the comment section. Information is wealth. All the very best!