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IGNOU LSE-02 Ecology - Latest Solved Assignment

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IGNOU - LSE-02 (Jan 24 - Dec 24, Jan 23 - Dec 23) Solved Assignment

Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment LSE-02 - Ecology? Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in English language. This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of Life Science, for the January 2024 - December 2024 session. The code for the assignment is LSE-02 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the B.Sc. Degree. Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.


LSE-02 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions

1. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Stratification
(b) Photoperiodism
(c) Desertification
(d) Biome
(e) Ecotone
(f) Keystone Species
(g) Domestication
(h) Bioindicators of pollution

2. Classify the aquatic organisms and describe the factors limiting the productivity of aquatic habitats.

3. Describe various components of ecosystem.

4. (a) Why pyramid of numbers are sometimes inverted whereas energy pyramids are never inverted? Explain in detail.
(b) Describe the various limitations of ecological pyramid.

5. (a) Explain the nitrogen cycle with a help of a well labeled diagram.
(b) Describe the human impact on nitrogen cycle and sulfur cycle.

6. Give an example that illustrates each of the following:

a) Primary succession
b) Secondary succession
c) Progressive succession
d) Retrogressive succession

IGNOU LSE-02 (January 2023 – December 2023) Assignment Questions

1. (a) Define the following:

(i) Community
(ii) Xerophytes
(iii) Primary production
(iv) Biosphere

(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Ecological pyramids
(ii) Tolerance range
(iii) Importance of forests

2. (a) Describe in brief abiotic and biotic components of ecosystem.
(b) Describe the structural features of hydrophytes.

3. (a) Explain the structure of soil profile with the help of a well labeled diagram.
(b) Describe the major functions of soil biota.

4. Differentiate between:

(i) Food chain and Food web
(ii) Lentic and lotic ecosystems
(iii) Primary and secondary succession
(iv) Extinct and threatened species

5. Describe carbon cycle with the help of a well labelled diagram.

6. (a) What is desertification? What are the major reasons leading to desertification?
(b) Describe the various steps involved in the process of succession of a water body.

7. (a) What are keystone species? Explain their importance giving a suitable example.
(b) Describe the major threats that affect wildlife.

8. Describe in brief:

(i) Red data book
(ii) Fidelity
(iii) Benefits of grasslands
(iv) Deforestation
(v) Eutrophication

9. Explain in detail why wildlife conservation is important?

10. (a) Describe the effects of air pollution on plants.
(b) Describe energy flow in an ecosystem.

IGNOU LSE-02 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions

1. निम्नलिखित पर लघु टिप्पणी लिखिए ।

i) स्तरीकरण
ii) प्रकाशकालिता
iii) मरुस्थलीकरण
iv) जीवोम
v) ईकोटोन
vi) कीस्टोन जातियां
vii) पालतू बनाना
viii) प्रदूषण के जीवसूचक

2. जलीय जीवों का वर्गीकरण कीजिए और जलीय आवासों की उत्पादकता को सीमित करने वाले कारकों का वर्णन कीजिए।

3. पारिस्थितिक तंत्र के विभिन्न घटकों का वर्णन कीजिए।

4. क) संख्या पिरामिड कई बार उल्टे क्यों होते हैं जबकि ऊर्जा पिरामिड कभी उल्टे नहीं होते हैं? विस्तार से समझाइये |
ख) पारिस्थितिकीय पिरामिडों की सीमाबद्धताओं का वर्णन कीजिए।

5. क) सुनामांकित चित्र की सहायता से नाइट्रोजन चक्र को समझाइये ।
(ख) नाइट्रोजन चक्र और गन्धक चक्र पर मानवी प्रभाव का वर्णन कीजिए।

6. नीचे दिए अनुक्रमणों को एक उदाहरण द्वारा स्पष्ट कीजिए ।

i) प्राथमिक अनुक्रमण
ii) द्वितीयक अनुक्रमण
iii) प्रगामी अनुक्रमण
iv) प्रतिगामी अनुक्रमण

LSE-02 Assignments Details

University : IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Title :Ecology
Language(s) : English, Hindi
Code : LSE-02
Degree :
Subject : Life Science
Course : Core Courses (CC)
Author : Panel
Publisher : Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Assignment Submission End Date-upto

The IGNOU open learning format requires students to submit study Assignments. Here is the final end date of the submission of this particular assignment according to the university calendar.

  • 30th April (if Enrolled in the June Exams)
  • 31st October (if Enrolled in the December Exams).

What’s Included

In this section you can find other relevant information related to the Assignment you are looking at. It will give you an idea of what to expect when downloading a PDF soft copy from GullyBaba.

  • All Solved Answers By IGNOU Experts.
  • Available for 3 Times for Download.
  • Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF.
  • Print Ready Format: A4 (21 x 29 x .20 cm (Width x Length x Height)
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