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IGNOU MPC-03 - Personality: Theories and Assessment

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Personality: Theories and Assessment

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IGNOU MPC-03 Code Details

  • University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
  • Title Personality: Theories and Assessment
  • Language(s)
  • Code MPC-03
  • Subject Psychology
  • Degree(s) MA
  • Course Core Courses (CC)

IGNOU MPC-03 English Topics Covered

Block 1 - Personality: Theories and Assessment

  • Unit 1 - Definition and Concept of Personality and Personality Development
  • Unit 2 - State/Trait Approaches to Personality
  • Unit 3 - Assessment of Personality
  • Unit 4 - Key Issues in Personality

Block 2 - Theories of Personality-I

  • Unit 1 - Psychodynamic Theory (Including Horney and Sullivan)
  • Unit 2 - Social Cognitive Theory of Personality (Bandura)
  • Unit 3 - Learning Theory of Personality (Pavlov and Skinner)
  • Unit 4 - Humanistic and Self Theory (Malsow and Rogers)

Block 3 - Theories of Personality-II

  • Unit 1 - Gordon Allport : A Dispositional Theory of Personality
  • Unit 2 - Raymond Cattell: A Trait Theory of Personality
  • Unit 3 - Hans Eysenck: A Trait-Type Theory of Personality
  • Unit 4 - The Big Five Factors: The Basic Dimensions of Personality

Block 4 - Assessment of Personality

  • Unit 1 - Introduction to Assessment and Testing
  • Unit 2 - Approaches to Personality Assessment (Self-Report, Problems of Response in Projective and Behavioural Assessment)
  • Unit 3 - Behavioural Assessment
  • Unit 4 - Other Measures of Personality
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IGNOU MPC-03 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions

SECTION – A Answer the following questions in 1000 words each. 1. Discuss the role of psychological factors in personality development. 2. Define apperception. Describe tests related to apperception. 3.Explain the purpose of interview method. Discuss the strengths and limitations of interview method. SECTION – B Answer the following questions in 400 words each. 4. Discuss the role of nature and nurture in personality development. 5. Delineate the common characteristics and assumptions of behavioural assessment methods. 6. Explain the salient features of Roger’s theory of personality. 7. Explain the key concepts of Cattell’s theory of personality. 8. In the light of Horney’s theory of personality, explain the concept of basic anxiety and neurotic needs. SECTION – C Answer the following questions in 50 words each. 9. Nomothetic approach to personality 10. Strengths of case study method 11. Personification 12. Superego 13. Types of functional autonomy 14. Ayurvedic body types 15. Myers Briggs Type Indicator 16. Measures to avoid faking in personality inventory 17. Criterion related validity 18. Extraversion/Introversion

IGNOU MPC-03 (July 2022 - January 2023) Assignment Questions

SECTION – A Answer the following questions in 1000 words each. 1. Describe self-report inventories. 2. Explain behavioural assessment techniques and their weaknesses. 3. Explain Eysenck’s trait-type theory. SECTION – B Answer the following questions in 400 words each. 4. Explain the technical criteria before which the assessment techniques are considered scientific. 5. Explain the classification of projective techniques. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of projective techniques. 6. Define personality. Explain the concept of trait and personal dispositions. 7. Explain the salient features of Sullivan’s theory of personality. 8. Discuss the psychological determinants of personality. SECTION – C Answer the following questions in 50 words each. 9. Important steps in personality assessment 10. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 11. Purpose of case study method 12. The study of values by Allport 13. Big-five Inventory 14. Evaluation of Bandura’s theory 15. Characteristics of self-actualizers 16. Constitutional and environmental traits 17. Guilford’s trait theory 18. Idiographic approach to personality
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