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IGNOU LSE-05 - Physiology

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IGNOU LSE-05 Code Details

  • University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
  • Title Physiology
  • Language(s) English
  • Code LSE-05
  • Subject Life Science
  • Degree(s) B.Sc.
  • Course Core Courses (CC)

IGNOU LSE-05 English Topics Covered

Block 1 - Animal Physiology-I

  • Unit 1 - Nutrition, Feeding, Digestion
  • Unit 2 - Respiration
  • Unit 3 - Circulation
  • Unit 4 - Excretion
  • Unit 5 - Osmotic and Ionic Regulation

Block 2 - Animal Physiology-II

  • Unit 1 - Movements
  • Unit 2 - Temperature Relations in Animals
  • Unit 3 - Reproduction
  • Unit 4 - Communication-I
  • Unit 5 - Communication-II

Block 3 - Plant Physiology-I

  • Unit 1 - Plant Water Relations
  • Unit 2 - Mineral Nutrition
  • Unit 3 - Photosynthesis
  • Unit 4 - Transport in the Phloem

Block 4 - Plant Physiology-II

  • Unit 1 - Inorganic Nitrogen and Sulphur Metabolism
  • Unit 2 - Plant Hormones
  • Unit 3 - Development and Differentiation
  • Unit 4 - Responses of Plants to Stress
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IGNOU LSE-05 (January 2024 - December 2024) Assignment Questions

Part I-(Animal Physiology) 1. a) Define the following: i) Stroke volume ii) Action Potential iii) Cardiac output iv) Pulse rate v) Glial Cells b) What is the sliding filament model of movement of muscles? How does the sliding movement occur at molecular level? 2. a) Compare the types of nitrogenous wastes observed in animals. Identify which compounds can be excreted with a minimum of water, which is most toxic and which waste product is found in fish, insects and mammals. Data regarding velocity of conduction and diameter of nerve fibre of two species A and B is given below. Which species is an invertebrate? b) Explain why the velocity of nerve impulse conduction in species B is more than species A? 3. a) Define the following: i) Anatomical dead space ii) Cardiac output iii) Resting potential in a nerve cell iv) Parthenogenesis v) Pheromones b) What do you understand by blood pressure? Explain the process of fluid transfer between the capillaries and tissue. 4. a) What does an oxygen dissociation curve show? Draw and compare the oxygen dissociation curves of haemoglobin and myoglobin. b) Why do animals exhibit differences between their essential food requirements? Where does the absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids take place in the vertebrate body? Describe the method of glucose absorption. 5. a) Discuss the nature and functions of estrogen in mammals. b) With the help of a diagram, discuss the formation and secretion of amino acid based hormones. Part II-(Plant Physiology) 6. a) List the function of essential elements and describe any one of them. b) Differentiate between macro nutrient and micro nutrient. Describe the role of any two micronutrients in plant metabolism. 7. Write notes on the following: i) Biological clocks ii) C4 plants iii) Vernalization iv) Senescence 8. a) Discuss Red Drop and Emerson Enhancement effect. b) Draw and describe Z scheme to illustrate the movement of electron in PS I (Photosystem I) & PS II (Photosystem II). c) Describe loading and unloading in sieve tubes. 9. a) What is the role of plant hormones in development and growth? Describe the effect of auxins and cytokinins plant parts. b) Describe the ways how plant adapts to biological stresses. 10. a) List the main function of stomata. Describe the mechanism of stomatal opening with labeled diagram. b) Describe the role of proton pump in active transport of protons across plasma-membrane.

IGNOU LSE-05 (January 2023 - December 2023) Assignment Questions

Part I-(Animal Physiology) 1. What are the end-products of food that can be absorbed by the body? Explain how absorption of fats differs from absorption of proteins and-sugars. 2. What are the advantages of a closed circulatory system? In your opinion which is superior-closed or open circulatory system? 3. What is the role of following in osmoregulation?  (i) The cuticle of insect (ii) Temporal countercurrent system (iii) Spiracular muscle 4. Discuss the role of haemoglobin in transfer of oxygen and compare it with the transport of carbon dioxide in blood. 5. Explain at least two ways by which homeotherms produce heat and lose heat in order to regulate their body temperature. 6. Explain the action of insect hormones in controlling metamorphosis. 7. Explain briefly the role of loop of Henle in the formation of urine. 8. Make a diagram to summarise the major events between the arrival of action potential in an axonal terminal and the generation of another in the axon hillock of a receiving neuron.  Part II-(Plant Physiology)  9. (a) Describe the mechanism of stomatal opening. (b) Name the major macronutrients required for plant growth. Describe the role of any two of them.  10. Write short notes on the following:  (i) Emerson Enhancement effect (ii) Munch pressure flow model (iii) Phytochrome iv) Photorespiration 11 (a) Describe the applications of plant hormones. (b) Define senescence. How is it regulated in plants?  12. Describe various steps involved in the Calvin cycle with the help of a diagram.  13. (a) Differentiate between the following:  (i) Long day and short day plants (ii) Photosystem I and Photosystem II (iii) Capillary water and hygroscopic water  (b) Describe in brief the plant responses to water stress
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